We finished up and then went to the barn shed which was off the side of the road, tucked into cornfields. I laughed at the way Amber was changing her outfits, trying to find a way to do it without getting caught by the many cars and trucks that were passing by. Our shoot was going good in this area and then all of a sudden an older hispanic man rode by on his bike. When he saw us he stopped and tried to tell us something. He pointed at Amber and then pointed at me, then pointed at the grass and made a sign of lawn sheers. Yes I know it sounds confusing, you could imagine how we felt. We didn't really care what he was saying, we just took it as a que to get out of there. He waited until we were in the car driving off before he rode off himself.
Our last stop was the beach on Camp Lejeune Marine base. This was probably the most interesting part of our trip. While there I got Amber to cut loose and get in the water fully clothed. That definitely caught the attention of some men and Marine's that were partying on the beach. They wanted to know if they could get their pictures taken so we indulged them and snapped a couple. They later joked about me photoshopping a mustache or something worse and then posting them all over the internet. Although tempted...I told them I would never do such a thing..lol. So here are the rest at the beach, and one of the Marine's we met..Josh.
Beautiful pictures!! Just beautiful!! Then again when aren't they??
Muah...thanks hon for the compliment!
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